
CM Landscaping provide excavation and auger drill services.  We can do small site cuts, levelling soil with smudge bar, hard access areas, soil excavation, fixing problem areas in your garden, resurface a bumpy driveway, drill holes, prepare soil for lawns, level crushed rock and prepare a site for any construction landscaping and concreting.  Here a just a few examples:

Resurfacing driveways:

Driveway #1:

IMG_3770  IMG_3822  IMG_3784

Driveway #2:

Levelling ruts and holes:

P1010164  P1010178  P1010165

Applying stabilised crushed rock:

P1010227  P1010226  P1010238

New Driveway:

P1010258  P1010256  P1010253

Excavation & soil removal: 

P1010393  P1010392  P1010391

Drilling holes (Auger Drill):

20121119_110304   20121119_110347   20121119_110405